Closing the equality gap one small business at a time

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When it comes to the South African job market, the lack of equal opportunities for women is obvious when comparing their employment situation to men. Stats SA’s recently published Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the second quarter of 2021 confirms this: “The South African labor market is more favorable to men than it is to women”, it bluntly states.

It’s sad to learn from the Stats SA report that even in 2021, and despite almost three decades of democracy, “men are more likely to be in paid employment than women regardless of race, while women are more likely than men to be doing unpaid work”.

According to these recent statistics, 36.8% of South African women are currently without work, while 32.4% of men are unemployed. This may only seem like a small difference, but it is black African women (the mothers, wives, and daughters) who struggle most when trying to find work (41% are unemployed, while only 8.2% of white females, 22.4% of Indian/Asian women and 29.9% of coloured females are without a job).

Bearing these figures in mind, it’s clear that a solution still needs to be found to give previously disadvantaged South African women better work opportunities. Zhauns Business Opportunity Machines. Africa’s leading machine supplier of small-scale machines to start your own business has been providing practical solutions to Africa’s unemployment issue for a long time, and has worked closely with governments in Africa to assist in poverty alleviation and rural development programs so desperately needed for our continent!  

Machines of Opportunity

For experience, Zhauns has noted that Women Entrepreneurs often have a deeper motivation/drive to change their situation and become successful in business, often empowering others around them while growing their business!

Here are some of our – Zhauns Empowered Women – success stories:

By using a Zhauns machine, Zelda from Limpopo Province started her own operation, RDC 2017, a manufacturing business that specializes in producing cleaning materials. Taking this positive step made a huge difference in her life: “I would like to encourage other women by saying: it is possible as a woman to start your own business from scratch, as long as you are determined. Your company can be a success,” she says.

Rochelle has also seen her business grow by embracing the opportunities given to women by Zhauns. After buying a 9-in-1 Multi-purpose Heat Press Machine, which enables her to print on anything from t-shirts to signs, she has created her own steady income and improved her standard of living.

Zifikile’s small business manufactures toilet paper. “I’m from a small town,” she says. After moving to Potchefstroom she “learned a lot about business” after experiencing unemployment and all its hardships. After buying a Zhauns Toilet Paper Machine, she created her own job, supplies demand for low-cost toilet tissue, and can now support herself and her loved ones with her earnings.

While working full-time for someone else, Misha, who still needed a better wage, bought a Popcorn Machine from Zhauns with the aim of starting her own business one day to become more independent. She has since increased her earnings by up to R2 000 per week and runs her operation from home. “It is simple,” she says, “so contact Zhauns today”.

As these women have shown, you can uplift yourself from even the worst situation, and Zhauns will guide you along the way with training and advice on how to use the machine of your choice. There is no reason why the South African job equality gap between women and men can’t be closed in the future. All it needs is the right attitude, the right machine, and success may just be around the corner.

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