Large companies have the benefit of a board of experienced directors with different skill sets to help direct and develop the company. But what about small business owners who don’t have access to more experienced directors? These smaller business owners should not be expected to have the expertise to improve their business all by themselves. If you are starting or currently running a small business and want to take it to the next level then taking advice from an expert or professional in your field, is the best advice we could give you.
There’s no getting around it – managing a business can be stressful and overwhelming. You will most likely need assistance across a number of areas, such as to determine the best strategies for your business. Receiving expert advice can increase your chances of success in business. The value of a sounding board to offer clear, concise and effective solutions to problems that you may encounter along the way is invaluable.
The future of your business could be a direct result of the decisions you make today. Seeking independent advice and evolving with technology is an example of an important thing to be aware of and stay ahead of if you want to remain competitive.
What you really want is to grow and thrive, from as close to the start of owning and running your own business. Areas to consider when looking for advice: finance, accounting and HR.
What type of advice do you need? Reliable, objective advice. So, always remember to take business advice from the right people, as much as your best friend might have your best interests at heart.
What are the advantages of getting sound small business advice from the get-go?
· Increased profits
· Streamlined operations
· Confidence to grow your business
· Buy in from staff and clients
Zhaun’s would like to highlight someone within the business world who is highly-qualified and gives valuable advice to young entrepreneurs across South Africa, and further afield. South African Business Coach Steve Reid is qualified in three disciplines, (Commerce; Theology and Forestry), which have all helped shape a focus and passion for raising entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial thinking.
He has been involved in business coaching for the past 12 years with 4 years seeing the establishment of a successful business incubator in Port Elizabeth. He was honoured as the best incubator manager in the group. (He is a MBCI and Raizcorp academy trained coach and is also a NLP practitioner.)
Past beneficiaries of the Raizcorp program grew an average of >48% turnover growth, year on year and collectively generated an income in excess of R110 million Rand He has opened a Centre for Entrepreneurship for False Bay College in 2015; and the program begins in volume this year.
He has also had the privilege of being a public speaker in both public and private institutions and have used these platforms to open up windows around the opportunity found within entrepreneurship. He writes a monthly article for a stable of 15 community papers in Cape Town; and is a bimonthly speaker on CCFM radio. A recent addition to his writing portfolio has seen him writing for Your Business Magazine
Take the time to listen to Steve Reid’s insightful podcasts here.